The Patriarch’s Resolution

In August 2019, a conference was held to expand ongoing theological traditions within the church. As a result of the deliberations, the conference resolved to expand the church by appointing new Bishops in The United States, Europe,  India, China, South Asia, Latin America and the rest of the world.  The WAC formally approved the resolution of the conference of which regulates the expansion of the church and the inheritance of orders from East and West...

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Historical Patriarch

To this day, The Presiding Bishop Patriarch of the Worldwide Anglican Church is the Most Rev Christopher Lwanga Tusubira from Uganda.

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A historical appointment

A historical appointment. After much prayer, fasting, and discussion, the WAC and Mercy Worldwide Ministries Anglican Church (MWMAC) came into Intercommunion with each other to form a robust union in December 2018. In addition to this Intercommunion, The WAC Worldwide Anglican Church is honored to have an unbroken lineage in both the West and East Succession.)

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Church Reformation

Unjust leadership prompts the Church Reformation. The initiative to commence the ACW reform was taken by the prevailing Bishops and Priests because of the egocentric leadership, obscure accounting and duplicitous exploitation demonstrated by the former Presiding Archbishop in Illinois, USA during his administration. Following the eradication of wrongful concords of the previous administration, the ACW renounced its name and became the Worldwide Anglican Church (WAC) in July 2017, and Installed its new Patriarch, His Grace...

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The Anglican African Orthodox Church (AAOC)

During the 1960s and 1970s, the Church played a massive role in the fight against APARTHEID in South Africa and worked with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr in the United States of America. In 1997, AOC implemented the reform and changed its name to the Anglican African Orthodox Church (AAOC). From its inception, the AAOC set out to prevent the notion that we are a black church. We made it clear that we serve all...

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Chaplain General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association

Father McGuire left his Boston pulpit in 1920 to become Chaplain General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, founded by Garvey. McGuire served many years with UNIA, which was based in New York. Garvey argued that “God was made in our image—black.” When the Fourth International Convention of the Negro Peoples of the World met in 1924, Bishop McGuire urged Negroes to name a day when they would tear down and burn pictures of a...

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Patriarch of Antioch

In a Bull issued by Ignatius Peter III, Patriarch of Antioch and the East, permission was given for the Consecration of the Priest Joseph Rene Vilatte as Archbishop – Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of America, namely, for churches adhering to the Orthodox Faith; and, on May 29th, 1892, Archbishop Vilatte was duly consecrated in Ceylon by Archbishop Julius Alvarez, assisted by the Syrian Bishops George Gregorius and Paul Athanasius, all three being under obedience of...

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The African Orthodox Church

The Worldwide Anglican Church began on September 2nd, 1921, and was called The African Orthodox Church. Its faith, as declared, was Orthodox, in conformity with the Orthodox Churches of the east from which its Episcopate was derived. While it admitted to membership and other privileges persons of all races, it sought particularly to reach out to millions of African descents in both hemispheres and declared itself to be perpetually autonomous and controlled by Africans. Hence...

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