Patriarch of Antioch

In a Bull issued by Ignatius Peter III, Patriarch of Antioch and the East, permission was given for the Consecration of the Priest Joseph Rene Vilatte as Archbishop – Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of America, namely, for churches adhering to the Orthodox Faith; and, on May 29th, 1892, Archbishop Vilatte was duly consecrated in Ceylon by Archbishop Julius Alvarez, assisted by the Syrian Bishops George Gregorius and Paul Athanasius, all three being under obedience of the Patriarch of Antioch. His Grace, the Most Rev ++ George Alexander McGuire, the first Bishop, Metropolitan Archbishop of the African Orthodox Church was born on March 28, 1866, in Sweets, Antigua. He was also a physician and surgeon at the Boston College of Physicians and Surgeons, was an Episcopal priest, who became involved in a movement to establish a Black Anglican denomination. He was consecrated a Bishop on September 21, 1921, in Chicago, according to the book “Black Moses: The Story of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association.”