Commissioner George Mentz JD MBA DSS CILS of the United States of America (USA) has emerged as the new Chancellor of the 103 years old Church which has apostolic succession from both East and West, according to two separate statements issued by Patriarch Tusubira in Uganda.
Lord Chancellor Mentz thanks all of the House of Bishops for this great honor to serve the Synod. The Worldwide Anglican Church and Patriarch has issued a new Arms for Chancellor Mentz who has also be approved as a “Chancellor Bishop”.
Lord Chancellor +George Mentz is a Professor of Law for a top ranked law school in USA and has worked as a White House High Commissioner for Education and Scholarship, and presently serves in office as a Commissioner for verious bodies including: Government Airport Commission which hosts Peterson Space Force. and Government Civil Service Commission for over 1,000 police and fire officers USA CO.
Chancellor Mentz has been devoted to the Anglican Communion for over 50 years and holds a Doctor of Jurisprudence and an MBA degree from nationally accredited law schools and business schools along with a DSS Doctor of Spiritual Studies from the Emerson Theological Institute. He is the Noble Seigneur of the Fief Blondel Est. 1179, was ordained and was licensed as a minister under the Episcopal and other Churches and Mentz is an award winning author who has published over 100+ books and audio books on the topics of philosophy, spirituality, mysticism, metaphysics, financial literacy, and success.
The WAC was founded in 1921 with direct apostolic succession and holy orders from various bishops of Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental, Syrian, and Anglican pedigree and the WAC spreads across the globe, spanning four continents and presently in over 100 countries while the Church’s clergies come from Roman Catholic and Anglican seminaries, Methodist, Baptist and Pentecostal backgrounds.
The Worldwide Anglican Church ™ is based in some of the fastest growing nations in the world with populations much bigger than the USA and Europe as there are over 500 million people in just Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Congo, and Ghana with another Billion in India. The Worldwide Anglican Church (WAC) has a presence in all of the following nations: USA, India, Kenya, Ghana, South Sudan, Nigeria, Brazil, Togo, Philippines, Canada, Uganda, Colombia, Malawi, Burundi, Peru, Mexico, South Africa, and Madagascar, with a combined total population of approximately 2.6 billion people.
In the context of the Worldwide Anglican Church, “Your Lordship” and “Your Excellency” are honorific titles used to address individuals of high rank, such as bishops, archbishops, patriarchs, and other senior church officials. These titles reflect their authority and position within the church hierarchy, though they may not be linked to secular nobility. The Worldwide Anglican Church sanctions several Ecclesiastical Orders for its Bishops to confer orders of merit, honorifics, and titles of distinction from the Church.
Mentz is the first person in the USA to complete a law degree, MBA, DSS, and international law certification, and pass the exams for licensing for Law in USA-LA, and pass Series 7, 63, and 65 Exams for Investment Advisor Law. He is also the first in the world to be quad certified as a Certified Financial Consultant, Registered Financial Planner, Chartered Management Consultant, and a CWM Chartered Wealth Manager Certified Trainer.
From a standpoint of international law and diplomacy, this job allows Mentz to interact legally and and envoy for the church in over 40 nations. Mentz can be contacted at
Below is the Crest that was Conferred to Chancellor Mentz by the Office of the Patriarch